Thursday, February 17, 2011

Milenas Velba's Husband

17/02/11 EsquilinDo Assaggia il Mondo: "Capodanno Cinese 2011, Anno del Coniglio"

"Taste the World" Edition II

Presents "Chinese New Year 2011, Year of the Rabbit"
February 13, 2011 - 17:00 - 20:00
February 17, 2011 - 10:00 to 14:00 hours

13 and February 17 in the Esquilino area with "Taste the World" you can explore China through the "Lantern Festival" which closes the 15 days of festivities Chinese New Year (also known as Spring Festival or "Chun Jie"). During this period in Chinese tradition it is customary to bring the dragon through the streets, benevolent creature that symbolizes longevity, prosperity and the rain and the lion, or the monster Nian coming out of his hole once a year and the only way to escape is terrified with the color red and the sound of drums and cymbals.
During the night between 2 and 3 February the Chinese around the world celebrated their New Year and the arrival of the year of Rabbit. The anniversary this year 's in Italy has taken a further important to include in the calendar of events Cultural Year in China.
Since 2006 the social mediators who currently manage the Project "Esquilindo" propose, together with the Chinese community and network of associations of the Esquiline, the festivities of Chinese New Year in the Esquilino. The Chinese community is one of the realities in the District of New Year celebrations and have represented, in recent years, further meetings between the community and the city of Rome.
The many people in the past editions of all kinds and nationalities, have "described" a clear will for dialogue and discussion among all the inhabitants of the district. Esquilindo for this Project, in collaboration with the Federation of Associations of Chinese Community Association of Roma language Zhonghua Chinese culture, yet this is a presentation "will" and the colorful dragon dance and lion.
The starting point of this initiative is in the gardens of the Aquarium - House of Architecture will also focus where students from different schools including those of the Roman School of the Comprehensive Manin Di Donato, cultural hub of the district, a place that imagining the future of the World has already rich differences that live on the Esquiline.
Taste the World is an event Esquilindo Project, managed by cooperatives and Social Parsec Eureka I, funded by the Province of Rome, Rome under the patronage of the Old Town Hall.

February 13 17:00
Teatro dell 'Istituto Manin - Via Nino Bixio 83
show "Spring Festival" by the Association of Chinese language and culture Zhonghua.
February 17 10:00
Architecture House Gardens (Acquario Romano) Piazza Manfredo Fanti 47
- 10.00 Chinese dance by the Association of Chinese language and culture Zhonghua
- 10.30 Dragon and Lion Dance: The Tao Chi School of Rome and the Scuola San Ngai Kwun Perugia perform in the dance of the dragon and lion paraded through the streets of the District.

Path of dance: The parade
si avvierà per via Turati, quindi in via Mamiani entrerà dentro il Nuovo Mercato Esquilino dove porterà gli auguri ai commercianti della Corime. Nel cortile interno della Facoltà di Studi Orientali e dell’Istituto Confucio con una breve performance augurerà il buon anno a tutti gli studenti e ai docenti. Nel piazzale antistante i due mercati verranno salutati tutti i clienti del mercato con un’altra performance.
Da qui la danza si avvierà verso via Principe Amedeo, via Lamarmora per passare sotto tutti i portici di Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, quindi dentro i giardini “Nicola Calipari” dove avrà luogo il termine dei festeggiamenti con un ultima performance.

Hanno aderito e partecipano alle giornate
Acquario Romano - Casa dell’Architettura, Ass. Aim Giosef, Ass. culturale Il Cielo Sopra l’Esquilino, Ass. Tamburi di Pace, Associazione Culto del Ritmo, Associazione di lingua e cultura cinese Zhonghua, Associazione Genitori Scuola Di Donato, Associazione Italia Bangladesh-Villaggio Esquilino, Associazione Prezzemolo, Cemea Lazio, Centro Aggregativo Giovanile MaTeMù, CIES Centro Informazione e Educazione allo Sviluppo, Cittadinanzattiva Roma Centro, Comunità di Sant’Egidio – Gente di Pace, Coop. Formula Sociale, Coop. Sociale Esquilibri, CORIME (Nuovo Mercato Esquilino), Esquilino Basketball Roma, EsquiliNotizie, Federazione delle Associazioni della Comunità Cinese di Roma, Italian Federation of Badminton, Focus-House of Social Rights, Group ParoleIncontro, Comprehensive School "Daniele Manin" - Plessi Di Donato, Olmata and Baccarini, Comprehensive School "Giorgio Perlasca," State Professional Institute for Business Services, Tourist and Publicity " Teresa Confalonieri, "school" Nicolo Machiavelli ", The Peace School, Liceo Scientifico Statale" Isaac Newton ", Polo Intermundia Municipio Roma Centro Storico, CivicoZero Project - Save the Children Italy, All Square Project, World Flavors, School of 'Childhood City "Federico Di Donato" and "Alfredo Baccarini, School of Music Esquiline Hill, San Ngai Kwun School of Perugia, Tao Chi School in Rome, Teatro Ambra Jovinelli


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