Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dark Urine Too Much Coffee)

"Domestic violence on the rise in most cases and complaints Lazio"

According to research by Save the Children, in the region, the phenomenon is more pronounced with 16.3 percent of women between 16 and 70 victims of aggression by a partner. "There are rules about children who attend"
The phenomenon of domestic violence increases women in Lazio. And 'in fact, the region recorded more complaints, although historically has taken the first to address the problem of violence against women. A support is a search carried out by Save the Children and for Children and Adolescents in the region, during the presentation of the report 'Spectators and victims: children and children who witness an act of violence, the suffering'. If the report data are elaborations from ISTAT, on three specific regions (Piedmont, Lazio and Calabria, representing their respective geographic areas, North, Central and South) was carried out a search with the method of interviews by contacting the responsible institutions and services directly involved in combating the phenomenon of domestic violence and assisted. The choice of 'witnesses privileged 'came about through a prior survey of the most involved on the issue from four areas: local / regional law enforcement agencies, the world of justice, health and social services including active components of the third sector . Compared to the national average, therefore, regional data on violence against women show some differences: Lazio, for example, the phenomenon of female domestic violence is more pronounced with 16.3 percent of women between 16 and 70 years to have suffered violence by their partner, compared with 13.9 percent of Piedmont and 10.1 per cent of Calabria. But Lazio is the region where most complaints are: state di aver sporto denuncia dopo la violenza subita l'8 per cento delle donne, contro il 5,8 in Piemonte e il 4,2 in Calabria. Tutte e tre le regioni manifestano un recente o rinnovato impegno nel settore della violenza contro le donne: a livello di tempistica, il Lazio è stata la prima in assoluto a legiferare per fronteggiare il problema della violenza sulla donna, mentre le altre due regioni hanno emanato il loro primo atto normativo (e per la Calabria anche l'unico) nel 2007.Save the Children fa notare che per quanto riguarda la considerazione dei minori che assistono alle violenze sulle madri, manca invece una decisa presa d'atto e conseguenti misure normative sulla violenza assistita, di cui vi è traccia solo in un atto legislativo del Piemonte, unica Regions considered to have given laws, with Council Resolution No. 42/29997 of 2000, in favor of child victims of abuse and maltrattamento.Attraverso this act have created new services and enhanced existing ones to combat violence against children, including the "witnessed violence". In terms of funding and show a difficulty common to all three regions to ensure certainty of funding and assists them rather to a gradual reduction. "We have chosen to turn a spotlight-Francis says Alvaro, guaranteeing child rights and adolescence of the Lazio region - on the effects of witnessing incidents of domestic violence can have on growth and the development of a child in a region such as Lazio, where live, metropolitan areas and situations of social degradation, in fact, it seemed important to analyze a phenomenon that is still the subject of little interest and that, in contrast, deserves to be addressed with due care. "Alvaro" the need for proper examination of the theme is also demonstrated by the interest that showed teenagers involved in the process of consultation to make a video which highlighted the importance of its open dialogue with adults'. It was also presented video of raising the result of consultation with a group of boys and girls of Rome, affected by Save the Children and the guarantor of the Child: The video uses the graphic treatment of the cartoon and you can see a child who looks at a sky where two clouds take on the traits of a man and a woman, mom and dad. Slowly the shapes change position with the arm of her father who gets up on the mother. The sky darkens and the baby's face is a tear. In the background 'Hoppipolla', song from the Icelandic group Sigur Ros who have granted free use.
Source: repubblica.it


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