Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oldie Salieri And Mario Salieri

ForestAbruzzo Fedagri and the resumption of the legislative process of the FDP on Forest Consortium

Giovanni Meuti , Presidente di ForestAbruzzo che associa quindici Consorzi forestali operanti in Abruzzo e Gasper Rino Talucci , presidente del Settore forestation of Fedagri - Confcooperative , sent a note to Antonio Prospero , newly elected president of the 3rd Committee on Agriculture of the Region of Abruzzo .

In these notes, on behalf of associations, Woodland wish the best wishes of good work to the new President of the Agriculture Committee of the Regional Council of Abruzzo in the certainty that, with its long and successful experience in political and administrative certainly will bring great results to the industry.

At the same time, highlighting how the Commission's powers should therefore also cover the forestry sector, indicate the absolute necessity to revive the legislative process on the Draft Regional Law No. 0036/09 "Rules of consortia for the joint management of forestry assets agro-forestry-pastoral , presented by his predecessor Dr. Antonio Del Corvo.

Meutia Talucci and remember that the FDP has been the subject of a hearing of the Commission with ANCI and UNCEM October 7, 2009, hearing in which these organizations have expressed full support for the FDP called for its approval .

Some minority groups, particularly the Democratic Party in the course of forestry associations Assembly of 12 December last year, has publicly expressed its support for the FDP, in consideration of the issues that the new legislation would resolve and momentum to the development of mountain areas which should be obtained.

ForestAbruzzo Fedagri and hope that the new Commission President will not want to miss the opportunity to revive an industry so important to our region. Remembering how to operate in our region, to date, well 17 Forest Consortium, involving about 50 municipalities (their number is still rising), some of separate administrations and civic uses three Communities Montane . The areas managed with now more than 60,000 hectares including over 40,000 hectares of forestry land.

ForestAbruzzo Fedagri and therefore consider that the launch in the near future of this new regional law, as well as to regulate the existing experience, will be a driving force in our region, similar to what happened in other regions such as Lombardy, the Tuscany, the Marches, etc.., for the birth of an efficient network of people associated with managers of forests, with great benefits for employment and socio-economic development of inland areas.

then I renew the request for rapid approval of the FDP and ForestAbruzzo Fedagri have also requested a meeting with the Commission in order to better explain the reasons for their position .

Attachments (1)
  • 12-10 - 1mag10 Fedagri-forestabruzzo - prosperous and 3 for 383 k DLR.pdf View Download


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