Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Denise Milani Wordpress


For us God is not far away is a hypothesis, not is an unknown who is retiring after the "big bang".

God has revealed himself in Jesus Christ.

In the face of Jesus Christ we see God's face in his words we hear God speak to us.

Benedict XVI


John and Andrew had faith, because certainty had a palpable presence: when they were sitting there at his home in the evening, watching him speak, it was a certainty in a palpable presence.
instead of him with his hair in the wind, instead of looking to talk with your mouth that opens and closes, comes along with our presence, we are like the fragile skin, fragile masks something ; powerful is he who is inside.
Luigi Giussani

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Monday, December 6, 2010

What To Use When Waxing Your Vergina

Public notice for creating short list of technicians and experts.

moz-screenshot-4 The GAL Abruzzo Italico Alto Sangro pubblica l'avviso per la creazione di una short list di tecnici ed esperti alla quale attingere le professionalità necessarie per l'attuazione del nuovo PSL.
Le modalità e le procedure da seguire per le candidature sono indicate nell'avviso che scadrà il giorno 22 dicembre 2010. Il modello di domanda da utilizzare è quello pubblicato.

avviso per short list
modulo di domanda

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Small Reflector Telescope

Seminar December 10, 2020 in Pescara, the National Rural Network

Nella mattinata di venerdì 10 dicembre 2010 , si svolgerà il seminario di verifica del project "Transfer and connection of experiences, good practices and innovations for the institutional strengthening of management Abruzzo PSR 2007-2013", produced by the National Rural Network 2007-2013.

The event will take place in Pescara at the Auditorium "L. Petruzzi "in Via delle Barracks, near the offices of the Department of Agriculture Region Abruzzo (details in Annex).
The seminar is an important moment of confrontation between the central and regional administration.

the agenda when the first results, the issues raised during the project, the strengths of the same and any adjustments, based on the experiences gathered so far, are needed to ensure full achievement of objectives.

The meeting will also illustrates the possible scenarios of rural development for the next phase Programmator 2014-2020, as of now useful to support the Managing Authority of the RDP Abruzzo and to update stakeholders and beneficiaries of rural development policies .
In order to ensure a more accurate organization we kindly ask you to confirm your participation by mail no later than Monday, December 6 pv

Attachments (1)