Saturday, June 26, 2010

Complex Migraine Emedicine

PSR Abruzzo - Bando measure 323 Conservation and upgrading of rural heritage "- Request for meeting criteria Notice

Gianni Meuti di Forestabruzzo e Gasper Rino Talucci di Fedagri e  hanno richiesto al Dott. Gaetano Valente Direttore Regionale Direzione Politiche Agricole e Autorità di Gestione PSR Abruzzo, un incontro preliminare alla emanazione del bando per la misura 323 ”Tutela and upgrading of rural heritage "of the PSR.

At the last meeting of the Monitoring Committee are in fact raised criticisms about the selection criteria for beneficiaries of the measure 323 "Conservation and upgrading of rural heritage" of the PSR.

In particular, it was shown that the articulation of priorities is liable to give in too much access to finance for the preparation of management plans for areas Natura 2000 (SCI and SPA) by the Park Authorities at the expense of common area managers SIC .

should therefore, according Fedagri and ForestAbruzzo found under preparation del bando degli opportuni correttivi, quali ad esempio dei tetti di finanziamento molto bassi che permettano di finanziare, o cofinanziare nel caso, l’elaborazione dei piani di tutti i 56 siti presenti nella nostra regione.

Hanging Bait Bag Insert


Facendo seguito alle intese intercorse durante i lavori dell’ultima riunione del Comitato di Sorveglianza del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2007/2013 del 23 e 24 giugno scorsi, Gasper Rino Talucci , componente del comitato, ha inviato al D ott. Gaetano Valente , Autorità di Gestione del PSR Abruzzo, una proposta di modifica dei criteri di selezione delle misure forestali che non è stato possibile approved at that meeting and had agreed to submit a written consultation.

The proposed changes, as outlined in the course of the work of the committee, are all aimed at a radical simplification of the criteria themselves, too strong of past experience in the application of other measures that have shown how selection criteria are overly complex and bureaucratic the sole effect of delaying the introduction of initiatives proposed by the beneficiaries if not block them.

Attachments (1)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Professional Quo Brush


cavalli 8

Meutia John, President of ForestAbruzzo , the association of Forestry Associations operating in the Abruzzo region and Gasper Rino Talucci , chairman of the Forestry Sector of Fedagri Confcooperative Abruzzo , associating the Cooperative Forestry, sent a note to Antonio Prospero , chairman of the Agriculture Committee of the Region of Abruzzo , and all members of the Commission itself .

The memo noted that it is spending a month and a half, it was May 1 last year, when, after the establishment Prospero's new president, the same organizations had stressed the absolute necessity to revive the legislative process on the Draft Regional Law No. 0036/09 "Rules of consortia for the joint management of forestry assets agro-forestry and pastoral ", by Anthony Del Corvo in July 2009, pointing out that the PLR \u200b\u200bhas been the subject of a hearing of the Commission with ANCI and UNCEM October 7, 2009, hearing in which these organizations have expressed their full support PLR to press for the adoption. The note is

stressed the importance of revitalizing the industry forestale, così importante per la nostra Regione.

Viene ricordato infatti come nella nostra regione operino, ad oggi, ben 17 Consorzi Forestali , che associano circa 50 amministrazioni comunali (il loro numero è in continuo aumento), alcune Amministrazioni Separate degli Usi civici e tre Comunità Montane . I territori gestiti superano ormai i 60.000 ettari di cui oltre 40.000 ettari di superfici forestali.

Il varo in tempi brevi di questa nuova Legge Regionale, oltre che a regolamentare le esperienze già esistenti, rappresenterà un volano anche in abruzzo, similmente a quanto accaduto in altre regioni come Lombardy, Tuscany, the Marches, etc.., for the birth of an efficient network of people associated with managers of forests, with great benefits for employment and socio-economic development of inland areas.

The swift approval of the FDP also provided with the rules of administrative simplification, will also beneficial effects on spending of the Region to the Rural Development Plan , spending currently behind in all agricultural sectors, but that is zero for investment in forestry . In other regions, in fact, see Lombardy, the system of Forest Consortium is the main factor of success in the implementation of forestry measures the RDP. And why this is so even in our region there are good prospects in the territory: there is only the legislative framework represented by the PLR \u200b\u200bbefore the Committee on Agriculture .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Adult Star Pinky Movies

Ivan Zoni su RIDERS!

Find Out All Possible Combinations

One of my drawing up RIDERS! I made some advertisements for the brand Calvaresi, this number is published in June 2010 Magazine of the famous!
pity that some changes to the plan to wear jackets to people we have ruined a bit 'my work ... in the published version has moved the collar of the boy who appears with a package so small ...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mysore Mallige Malnad


One of my design on ROLLING STONE! I made some advertisements for the brand Calvaresi, shall be published in the June 2010 Magazine known

Is Angela Lola Love Considered Light Skinned

Indian Actress Showing Breast For

Ivan Zoni su GQ!

One of my design on GQ! I made some advertisements for the brand Calvaresi, shall be published in the June 2010 Magazine known

Difference Between Trojan And Trojan Enz