Thursday, April 29, 2010

White Discharge Before Menstruation

ForestAbruzzo Fedagri and require an urgent meeting Alderman Mauro Antonio Prospero Febbo

John Meutia president FORESTABRUZZO Gasper and Rino Talucci chairman of the forestry sector of Fedagri Confcooperative sent a note Alderman Agriculture and Forestry of the Abruzzo Region Mauro Febbo pointing out that, as repeatedly pointed out, problems continually arise in the operation of Forest Consortium that delay and block forestry activities.

These delays and blocks have a serious impact on ordinary members of the consortium and therefore on local communities both in terms of lost resources and services, both in terms of employment.

Latest examples are the block of the processing and settlement of the Management Plans drawn up by consortia forest, even if signed by duly authorized and registered as Chartered forest professional, because the consortiums would not be "qualified entities".

increasing use also reported more than once the uncertainties in project appraisal cutting (use the address, and use trade), with projects on hold with reasons in our view highly questionable.

Please note that we are talking about activities for which public funds are not required , but tend only to manage as best as possible the common heritage of forest owners.

forestry associations believe that many of these issues could be successfully resolved with the adoption by the region of explanatory circulars, or better of appropriate guidelines, which create a common framework of certainty for owners and operators.

FORESTABRUZZO and Fedagri Confcooperative have therefore requested an urgent meeting to resolve the issues reported , which indicated that they had also the opportunity to participate in the State Forestry Corps in view of the current delegation to "forest authorities."

Attachments (1)
  • 11-10 - 29apr10 Fedagri-forestabruzzo - request meeting RA.pdf 266 k View Download